Appendix B. Other Message Switch Configuration Files

Table of Contents
B.1. Freeway Boot Configuration File (bootcfg.sw)
B.2. DLI Configuration File (swdcfg)
B.3. TSI Configuration File (swtcfg)

This appendix shows the three configuration files that support the top-level Message Switch configuration file named switch.cfg, which was described in Appendix A. The three support files are:

B.1. Freeway Boot Configuration File (bootcfg.sw)

Figure B-1 is an example Freeway Boot Configuration file (bootcfg.sw) for the Message Switch. The bootcfg.sw file is used in the procedures described in Chapter 2.

Figure B-1. Freeway bootcfg.sw File

    #  bootcfg.sw                                                           #
    #                                                                       #
    #  This file is intended for use with the Message Switch and its        #
    #  delivered configuration files: switch.cfg, swdcfg, and swtcfg.       #
    #  Together, these configuration files will configure a Freeway in      #
    #  such a way that the executables built with the makeapi script in     #
    #  freeway/client/test/switch can be used to test various features of   #
    #  the Message Switch.                                                  #
    #                                                                       #
    #  To configure a Freeway system to use the settings specified here,    #
    #  the name of this file must be listed in the Freeway's boot           #
    #  parameters under the name "System Boot File Name".                   #
    #                                                                       #
    #                                                                       #
    #  This file is preconfigured with the following devices:               # 
    #                                                                       #
    #    icp0    definition of ICP2432 loaded with FMP (commented-out).     #
    #    icp1    ICP_IP (UDP unicast)   loaded with ipnull.                 #
    #    icp2    ICP_IP (UDP unicast)   loaded with ipnull.                 #
    #    icp3    ICP_IP (UDP unicast)   loaded with ipnull.                 #
    #    icp4    ICP_IP (UDP multicast) loaded with ipnull.                 #
    #    icp5    ICP_IP (UDP multicast) loaded with ipnull.                 #
    #    icp6    ICP_IP (TCP listener)  loaded with ipnull.                 #
    #    icp7    ICP_IP (TCP connector) loaded with ipnull.                 #
    #                                                                       #
    #  See the other example files delivered with your          #
    #  Freeway for descriptions of the syntax and implementation of         #
    #  these ICP device configurations.                                     #
    #                                                                       # 
    #  In the example specifications included in this file, the IP          #
    #  addresses of the Freeway have been assumed to be for   #
    #  the primary ethernet and for the secondary, and        #
    #  the IP address of the foreign system has been assumed to be          #
    # .  These values must be changed to the actual values  #
    #  for your particular Freeway system and environment.                  #
    #                                                                       #
    # ICP-0 Physical Parameter example definitions.                    # 
    # If you have an ICP board in your Freeway, uncomment these lines. #
    # device_name          =  icp0
    # device_type          =  icp2432
    # slave_address        =  0x14
    # download_script      =  fmpload.2432
    # The following parameters define ICP_IP devices #
    # UDP/IP  ICP_IP data streams.        #
    # The "null api" interface. #
    device_name          =  icp1
    device_type          =  icp_ip
    socket_type          =  sock_dgram
    local_address        = 
    local_port_base      =  0x3100
    foreign_address      =
    foreign_port_base    =  0x3100 
    internal_protocol    =  ipnull
    # NOTE: icp2 through icp7 are configured in the swdcfg file  #
    # for use with either the "NULL" or the "FMP" protocol       #
    # module.  If you have the FMP protocol module (Simpact      #
    # product FWTFM) installed in your freeway/boot directory    #
    # (files ipfmp486.o, ipfmp68k.o, or ipfmpppc.o),             #
    # change the internal_protocol from ipnull to ipfmp for any  #
    # of the devices ICP2 through ICP7.  You must also           #
    # uncomment the line near the bottom of this bootcfg.sw      #
    # file which loads the appropriate ipfmp module              #
    # ("sra_module = ipfmp486.o").                               #
    # Unicast connection between icp2 and icp3.              #
    # To enable use of a standard loopback program (such as  #
    # fmpalp), change the internal protocol as appropriate   #
    # (for example, ipfmp).                                  #
    device_name          =  icp2
    device_type          =  icp_ip
    socket_type          =  sock_dgram
    local_address        =
    local_port_base      =  0x3200
    foreign_address      =
    foreign_port_base    =  0x3300 
    internal_protocol    =  ipnull
    # internal_protocol    =  ipfmp
    device_name          =  icp3
    device_type          =  icp_ip
    socket_type          =  sock_dgram
    local_address        = 
    local_port_base      =  0x3300
    foreign_address      =
    foreign_port_base    =  0x3200 
    internal_protocol    =  ipnull
    # internal_protocol    =  ipfmp
    # Multicast connection between icp4 and icp5.            #
    # To enable use of a standard loopback program (such as  #
    # fmpalp), change the internal protocol as appropriate   #
    # (for example, ipfmp).                                  #
    #                                                        #
    # NOTE: icp4 and icp5 will only work if the Freeway was  #
    # booted with a multicast-capable server image.          #
    device_name          =  icp4
    device_type          =  icp_ip
    socket_type          =  sock_dgram
    local_address        = 
    local_port_base      =  0x3400
    # local_if_address     =   # local interface to receive mcasts
    foreign_address      =
    foreign_port_base    =  0x3500 
    ttl                  =  0x1
    internal_protocol    =  ipnull
    # internal_protocol    =  ipfmp
    device_name          =  icp5
    device_type          =  icp_ip
    socket_type          =  sock_dgram
    local_address        = 
    local_port_base      =  0x3500 
    # local_if_address     =   # local interface to receive mcasts
    foreign_address      =
    foreign_port_base    =  0x3400 
    internal_protocol    =  ipnull
    # internal_protocol    =  ipfmp
    # TCP/IP  ICP_IP data streams.        #
    device_name          =  icp6
    device_type          =  icp_ip
    socket_type          =  sock_stream_listen
    local_address        = 
    local_port_base      =  0x3600              # 13824
    foreign_port_base    =  0x0000 
    send_q_size          =  0x14                # 20 packets
    internal_protocol    =  ipnull
    device_name          =  icp7
    device_type          =  icp_ip
    socket_type          =  sock_stream_connect
    connect_period       =  0x40                # 64 seconds
    local_address        = 
    local_port_base      =  0x0000
    foreign_address      =
    foreign_port_base    =  0x2120              # 8480
    internal_protocol    =  ipnull
    # Server wide parameters    #
    tsi_config_file      =  muxcfg.sra
    # If uncommented, the following route_add statement will cause all multicast
    # packets to be sent to the secondary interface (the interface with IP
    # address
    # route_add            =
    # The following line shows an example definition for a default route.
    # route_add            =
    #               Uncomment the "sra_module = ipfmp486.o" if you have the
    #               ipfmp486.o file and want to test the ipfmp protocol.
    # sra_module           = ipfmp486.o
    #               The following line loads the Message Switch.
    sra_module           = sw486.o
    sra_entry            = sraSwitch
    vxworks_shell         = TRUE
    #               Uncomment these "added_interface_xxx" lines to configure a
    #               second ethernet interface.  You may need to add a "route_add"
    #               statement similar to the example above to cause the Freeway
    #               to send the packets through the desired interface.
    # added_interface_type =  fei
    # added_interface_mask =  ffffff00
    # added_interface_addr =