// Source control identifier
// @(#)$Id: awsaldcfg,v 1.4 2002/05/31 18:03:23 jgibbons Exp $
// awsaldcfg                                                       //
//                                                                 //
// Define a main section and a section for each ICP port. The      //
// defaults of most of the main section parameters are used, so    //
// the parameters do not show up in this file. See the DLI refer-  //
// ence manual for a definition of all DLI configuration           //
// parameters.                                                     //
//                                                                 //

//                                                                 //
// "main" section.  If not defined defaults are used. If present   //
// the main section must be the very first section of the DLI      //
// configuration file.  The parameters for which default values    //
// are used are commented out, but included for reference.         //
//                                                                 //
    TSICfgName     = "awsaltcfg.bin";  // TSI configuration file name //
        // MaxSess     = 128;
        // LogLev      = 0;
        // TraceLev    = 0;
        // LogName     = "dlilog";
        // TraceName   = "dlitrace";
        // TraceSize   = 0;
        // SessPerConn = 16;
    AsyncIO        = "yes";            // Asynchronous mode           //
// Define a section for an AWS port.  Again, parameters for which default //
// values are used are commented out, but included for reference.         //
        // --------------------------------
        // Protocol-independent parameters.
        // --------------------------------
    Protocol      = "AWS";
    Transport     = "Conn0";
        // Mode       = "ShrMgr";
        // Family     = "Protocol";
        // BoardNo    = 0;
        // PortNo     = 0;
    Timeout       = 100;
        // LogLev     = 0;
        // TraceLev   = 0;
        // MaxInQ     = 10;
        // MaxOutQ    = 10;
        // MaxErrors  = 100;
        // LocalAck   = "Yes";
        // CfgLink    = "Yes";
        // ReuseTrans = "No";
    AsyncIO       = "Yes";
        // OutOfBand  = "No";
        // OldBind    = "Yes";
    AlwaysQIO     = "Yes";
        // Segmenting = "No";
        // Buffering  = "No";
        // Server     = "No";
        // -----------------------------
        // Protocol dependent parameters
        // -----------------------------
    DataRate            = 9600;
        // ClockSource      = "Internal";
        // StartCount       = 0;
        // EndCount         = 0;
        // BitsPerChar      = "8Bits";
        // Parity           = "None";
        // StopBits         = "One";
        // RecvTimeout      = 6;
        // QLimit           = 4;
    Termcount = 65;
        // MsgFormat        = "Unformatted";
        // StartOfMessage   = 0x2000000;
        // EndOfMessage     = 0x3000000;
        // AltDataRate      = 0;
        // SecureMode       = "Disable";
        // CTSTimeout       = 0;
        // RTSDelay         = 0;
        // ModemControl     = "None";
        // FormatXmitMsgs   = "Disable";
        // RecvBlockCheck   = "None";
        // RecvFramingChars = "Disable";
        // BaudotCode       = "Disable";
        // SoftHandshake    = "Disable";
        // Isochronous      = "Disable";
        // ElecInterface    = "EIA232";
    BufferSize = 256;

// Define a section for another AWS port. //
    Protocol  = "AWS";
    AlwaysQIO = "Yes";
    AsyncIO   = "Yes";
    BoardNo   = 0;
    PortNo    = 1;
    Timeout   = 100;
    Transport = "Conn0";

    // Protocol dependent parameters //
    BufferSize = 256;
    DataRate  = 9600;
    Termcount = 65;

    Protocol  = "AWS";
    AlwaysQIO = "Yes";
    AsyncIO   = "Yes";
    BoardNo   = 0;
    PortNo    = 2;
    Timeout   = 100;
    Transport = "Conn0";

    // Protocol dependent parameters //
    BufferSize = 256;
    DataRate  = 9600;
                           // Here's an example of character sequence framing 
    MsgFormat        = "charseqframing";
    StartCount       = 4;
    EndCount         = 4;
    StartOfMessage   = 0x01020304;
    EndOfMessage     = 0x05060708;
    FormatXmitMsgs   = "Enable";

    Protocol  = "AWS";
    AlwaysQIO = "Yes";
    AsyncIO   = "Yes";
    BoardNo   = 0;
    PortNo    = 3;
    Timeout   = 100;
    Transport = "Conn0";

    // Protocol dependent parameters //
    BufferSize = 256;
    DataRate  = 9600;
                           // Here's an example of character sequence framing 
    MsgFormat        = "charseqframing";
    StartCount       = 4;
    EndCount         = 4;
    StartOfMessage   = 0x01020304;
    EndOfMessage     = 0x05060708;
    FormatXmitMsgs   = "Enable";

    Protocol  = "AWS";
    AlwaysQIO = "Yes";
    AsyncIO   = "Yes";
    BoardNo   = 0;
    PortNo    = 4;
    Timeout   = 100;
    Transport = "Conn0";

    // Protocol dependent parameters //
    BufferSize = 256;
    DataRate  = 9600;
    Termcount = 65;

    initfrom  = "server0icp0port4";
    PortNo    = 5;

    initfrom  = "server0icp0port4";
    PortNo    = 6;

    initfrom  = "server0icp0port4";
    PortNo    = 7;

    initfrom  = "server0icp0port0";
    BoardNo   = 1;
    PortNo    = 0;

    initfrom  = "server0icp1port0";
    PortNo    = 1;